Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Review of Click Awards

We have posted my personal comments on the Click awards for all to read, now here is another perspective from my judi. John is extremely accurate in his descrpition. Here is what John writes:
As you all know I attended the Clik Honors Elite 25 Awards Show on Saturday. I would have written my Revue sooner, however I thought it more prudent that I allowed a few days to release some of the ecstasy that I had stored up from the event in order to give a more accurate account of what really happened! My verdict? It was THE MOST inspiring event that I have attended in YEARS!!!Was it without fault? Of course not! But given its intent and execution, I was able to overlook the very few minor details that I'm sure will be corrected with time.Management of MEN OF ATL were front and center at the event, basking in the richness of the legacy it honored, and the one it inspired and created. Make no mistake the kids came in flocks with freshly pressed frocks and locks. Some made the mistake of wearing Fur coats in 70 degree weather, and others misunderstood a Boxing Robe and shorts for "Dress To Impress" attire. However, if anyone can deny that there were some BEAUTIFUL GUYS and GALS in the house, surely they were at another Affair.I was disappointed at the fact that many of Atlanta's Leaders were noticably absent. And yes I know that gay politics played alot into their abscence. However, I wonder just how important it was for them to miss out, because "they" were not being honored, nor asked to serve on any "official" capacity? It is just as bad as those that paid or brown-kissed their way to an award. This is NO reflection on those that were not able to make it for "legitimate" reasons.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Atlanta is so Gay

Folks, It has been a minute since we communicated so here is a run down of the events you should know about. My first week at the new job was terrific. The place is so different from the previous experience. Have you ever taken a paycut for peace of mind? I did and I am proud that I did. Hoping that you are having a good time with your job as I am having with mine. In other news:
This past weekend, I was privileged to attend the first annual Click awards here in Atlanta. The event recognized current LGBT persons who are doing amazing work in our community. All the who's who were there. I want to thank the organizers for the opportunity to witness and be part of History. (Note: Please be a little more organized the next time, our heroes and sheroes deserved a little more than that. ) Back to my point.
Harmonica Sunbeam a living legend hosted the show and turned the kids out as she always does. Thank you Ms. Sunbeam for the laughter.
Trust me when i say, the kids came dressed to the nines. Some Gurls brought out limos and things; while other gurls pranced the room with the furs. This gurl went to Dillards and got a cute little outfit, i was looking so cute! This was my first so called social event in Atlanta and it was completely worth the wait. Atlanta is doing big thangs.
Did you know
Atlanta was recently named third among the top three cities with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered persons. Yes, Atlanta beat New York, DC, and Dallas. Take that... Ms. Atlanta is hot honey! The gurls are flocking to her by the bus loads. The question is, if there are so may homosexuals in the City, why don't we have a Gay community. Yes, I see the gurls on Marta, I see the gurls at Moorehouse, and i see the gurls come into the clinic each and every day, but where is the sense of Gay community in Atlanta. Well, when i walk down tenth street, I kinda get the feel for a gay community that the White children have built, but we Brothas and Sistahs have yet to place a stake in the ground and created something of our own why is that? Something to think about. I don't plan on asking the question to others without asking it to myself, as a result I am praying that it be in God will that I help to establish a Black Gay community beyond the clubs, bars, clinic visits or sex parties in the great Metropolis. Starting with blog and going beyond that, I am discussing the plans to create something fresh for this City and community. Anyone with an interest that is similar, please hit me up so that we can begin the project. If you have breath in your lungs than there will be something you can do. The time for sitting back has expired. No longer will i subsidize my oppression through complacency. Join me, if you dare.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

There is more to be thankful for

Congratulations are in order
Yesterday, on my way home from work, I got a call from my brother Richard. Mine you, when Richard calls i usually pick up the telephone because he does not call often, so when he does call I quickly pick up. See, Richard is really my only connection to my so-called Family back up North. He tends to stay in touch with them more than me. Or is it that they stay in touch with him? I don't know. In whatever the case maybe, Richard called and said, I have something to tell you. My heart stoped right away, because it not like him to want to tell me anything. "I Got into NYU Grad schooll, I just got the letter", he said. Congratulations, Richard you deserve that and all that is to come. I had every bit of faith in your ability to get into NYU Business school, you just did not think you were gonna get in, but the GOD i serve had this planned out for you a long time ago.
  • I am also thankful for the privilage of being at a new job. Yall just don't kn.ow what life has been like working for a Tyrant. I want to write about this so bad, but it hurts to even begin to compose those thoughts. I feel like i need some therapy just for that experience
  • I met and worked with some great people along the way like Tashya, and John M, and Whittaker, and Billy who are still stuck back there. A good TV anology would be like if someone were to be successful at getting off the island on Lost, that is how i fell like being at this new place.

And lastly for now:

Are the Democrats out of their minds?

This past weekend New York Congressman Charles Rangel stated that America should consider reinstating the draft. I have always said that the Democrats are each others worst enemies. Thanks Congressman for making me right once again. Or is good ole Charlie, have a reason other than wanting the draft? Hmmmmm....Could it be that he wants to speed up the debate about troops in Iraq so he drops the issue on the draft. Of course with so many Americans opposing the war, most will obviously oppose a draft and demand that the troops come home now. Is it possible that Charlie is saying these things because the people in his district have kept him in power all these years and he does not fear taking whatever position on politics he wants knowing that in the end he will get re-elected regardless? hmmmmm.....

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thank You, Oh my goodness, I did not know that you all were so needing to read yet another blog. I want to thank all of you who dropped me a note privately or publicly. Don't be afraid to post a comment, its really easy and fun. Thank you! If you like what you see tell a friend, if you don't tell me! In Other news: As many of you know, I am a big tv watcher. Last night i caught some new show by Taye Digges called Day Break. And man i tell you they got me hooked. It kinda reminds me of a Black james Bond with some of the weird elements of Alias (starring Jenifer Garner). The show rocked. It kept me on the edge of my seat. You got to catch it if you can. For a mid season replacement of Lost it sure is holding up to my expectations. Big shout out to Mr. Emmit Smith who turned them out at Dancing with the Stars and took home the prize. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Mario was cute, but Emitt was handsome. Did you see those legs, them thighs, that bulge! AMEN! Nice try Mairo but sorry the grand prize goes to Emmit. Besides i got tired of hearing Mario call his partner Carrrina. Those two really got on my nerves, and was it only me or was that chick looking like she wanted some of Marios piece? Two more days till I leave this very dysfunctional place. Keep praying for me. I want to start a special feature on this blog called Looks whos talking; I will from time to time interview persons who i know or come in contact with. When these discussions happen i will post the interviews online for your pleasure. My first interview will be with my gay son Quention Stroud. You will see why. Here is a clue: Quenton is 24 years old and is a man of the word. Wait to you see what he has to say on youth, gay, black, and life. You don't want to miss this. Tell all your friends and keep supporting the cause. When you are telling them where to go just say you do me first (all one word) dot blogspot dot com.

In the meanwhile i want to leave you with these words written by my son Quenton Stroud Intelectual Brutha Yes, I am an intellectual So lets keep things on the level My purposes for being there are that of my own. I am not looking for the "hook up", "Freak down", or just to bone." I know exactly what i feel, Who I am and what I like to touch If you are a confused motherf*cka I promise you I am too much! Way too much for you to get wit, build wit, hell even to chill wit. So back up cause you can't deal wit my shyt. I am not arrogant or conceited, Once you know me you'll see. I am what I am and i am best at being me! I've found my purpose in life. I've finally got a plan. Sumthin those weak minded n*gga's couldn't possible understand Do you feel where I'm going? Can you tell I'm like no other? You probably can relate...If you're and Intellectual Brutha! Quentons interview coming soon!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Gimme a shout

If your reading this then i was successful in marketing my blog to you. Give me a shout and tell me what you think about it. Don't be shy to make recomendations for improvement. I just heard the news and they are talking about a Tsunami in Japan somewhere. God, please protect your people. Life is so fragile, you never know when its your turn to go. Let me give a shout out to my brother Richard. Sak pase ? Friends Lamar, Patrick, Richard, Tyrone, Robert, Tracey, Chief, Curtis, Rodney, ADDY, Andy you chinese bitch you, Eman, Juan, Piere Gay Familly: Jaleel, Larry, Patrick, Addy, Al Cunningham, Alex W, My Kids Shariff (get your ass into school), Anthony (way to go Tuskeegee) Kishaw (Dont ask wont tell) Kareem (always do the right thing no matter what), Hakeem (so what you're straight i still love you) Jonathan (i love your book son) Quenton (if it don't make dollars it dont make sense)

Hello and Welcome!

Hi Everybody,
I have decided to jump into the world of blogging. It has been quite sometime since i have had the idea to do this, but things just kept getting in the way. Thank you Jesus for giving me inspiration.
First, let me start off by saying that this blog is about the everyday experience of a Black Man who happens to be gay. Is it just gay? Hell no! I am more than that. I am political, emotional, spritural, and sometimes even athletic. So, it is my hope that this blob will represent all of these parts of me. There is so much going on rite now. I could go on for days. Since this is my first blog, I am excited to get it up and running and later will give you details. Oh by the way, I am the worlds worst speller. So do not be suprised when you see spelling mistakes on here. And please remind me to tell you about the job that i have which i like what i do, but don't like the componany i work for. Shout out to all the warriors out there who stay in the struggle for peace, justice, equality, and spirituality. Thank God for my first post.