Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Contendor

Today Sen. John Edwards has announced that he will be seeking the Democratic nomination for United States President for the 2008 election. His official announcement was made in New Orleans 9th ward which was devastated by hurricane Katrina. I have several questions for the Senator, I know that he may not read this blog, but many of his supporters and probably some people on his staff visit us. Therefore we would like to know these answers:

  • During the last presidential election the Senator, debating Vice President Dick Chenney, could not articulate an answer posed by Gwen Ifel, who asked about the impact of HIV in the African American community in America. What is the Senators position on combating HIV in the African American community? How would the Senator work with the CDC to encourage the better prevention strategies other than the current D.E.B.I. theory?
  • What is the Senators positiong on Presidential pardons, should we continue to allow this or should we allow the courts to establish social justice?
  • What is the Senators position relating to the legalization of marijuana?
  • Many Americans are burden with debt. In many instances these Americans struggle with finding adequate housing, purchase homes, getting jobs all because of their credit scores are not at "adequate levels" to permit these things to happen, if President, would the Senator consider legislation that prevents credit reporting companies from reporting negative entries into individual reports for no more than 3 years?
  • What is the Senators position on Gay adaption?
  • Would the Senator consider running as Baraka Obamas running mate?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Imagine my surprise, when a reader posted a personal nasty attack against me. Well, I don't normally indulge silliness, but on this one occasion I will, for his sake. I encourage all to do their homework prior to posting any comments about anyone or anything on this blog. The reader personalized and defended what is being alleged almost as if, he or she, has had first hand knowledge and is denying the allegations with fury and passion. One has to wonder why even take the time to deny these things if the facts speak for themselves. (Girl, I would have paid it and moved on. Especially since it made no mention of you or your organization) But if somehow the post hit a nerve, then I would respond with the pain of an attack. Personal responsibility is important to me. Imagine my surprise when the individual suggested that I check my facts first, was he referring to the mold, mildew, dust to not be a fact? Or was he referring to the fact that is no public oversight of the organization? Or is he referring the lease automobile? I wish that he were more clear. In either case, let me make it clear to him as you all are already aware, facts are truths that have are verifiable. In this case prior to the posting, a committee of persons met and discussed pictures, newspaper articles, personal testimonials concerning the unnamed place. While I do not speak for any of the persons in this group, it was the consensus that all organization utilizing public dollars should have greater oversight, and public accountability measures. Rather then the reader supporting the movement to require more accountability, he seems to want to shy away from it and attack me. WHY? COULD THIS BE A NAPOLEAN COMPLEX? What is he afraid of, if facts don't lie. Rather then the reader understanding that accountability is crucial to the survival of his use-to-be grassroots organization, he prefers to launch personal attacks against me that only support the “mad man” theory. Rather than recognizing that accountability will work to his advantage, he sees it working against his vision (I suppose). I thank the writer for his participation in our dialogue on accountability in the black gay community. I welcome a public forum where we can discuss my supporting documentation versus his documents. If mine prove to be wrong, then I will apologize publicly and if he can furnish documents that discount my earlier statements the he should apologize (not to me) but to the community who he is continues to misrepresent. This blog is not intended to be an attack on anyone, it is simply an editorial. As much as you wish it were, it is not your pulpit to spew baseless rebuttals. To show you that I, unlike you, have no personal grudges, here is a kiss from me to you. Peace be with you brother.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Where have you been?

This is not me, but i wish it was.
If one more person asks me "where have you been?" I will scream. I am so sorry, just started this new a gig and getting use to the hours and all that stuff. I'm in between meetings rite now and just wanted to share this cute little pic with you all. So here is the run down Honestly, I have taken on this new craft. (No, it has nothing to do wiht credit cards). Someone is teaching to crochet. Yes, it is gay, but it is something that I have wanted to do for such a long time. I use to watch the women do and was always fascinated with the way there hands moved in and out to weave such nice designs. Well, anyway it is taking me sometime to learn how to hold the needle, but i am getting there. My first project was to create a scarf, it is a hot mess. I mean every word with that, but since it is my first project I am so proud of it. I plan to rock it regardless of what it looks like, its mine and i made it. Can I urge all my fans to call their local congressional black caucus member to insist that there be oversight of non-profit organizations, especially the ones hare are receiveing money to conduct AIDS services. I am thinking of one particular organization in Atlanta that is a complete mess that keeps getting funded just because it is the only organization that "serves minority communities". To hell with them. Their Executive Director is making 6 figures and runs his organization like the Amistad. Any service provider in town will tell you that they are a problematic organization that is mishandling public dollars. One good current example is that the organization leases a luxury car for the purposes of getting an Executive staff member around town. Now, folks lets think about this, people are dying of AIDS day and night and here we have the charity organization leasing luxury european cars to get an Executive around. This is absolutely absurd. If these persons are commited to the cause as they would have us beleive, they could use their own vehicles just like the rest of us. We are calling for a congressional investigation for this organization. Interviews with current and past staff sound like the environement in there is torturous. One staff person has provide us with picturse of mold, mildew, and dust lurking all about the organization. So what does this have to do with this picture, the public is getting fucked by a mad man. I urge you to call the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to insist that this organization who is suppose to provide education and services to minorities be investigated. I will keep you posted. Let me get back to my crochet. I have made my calls have you. PS Ask to speak to Dr. Kevin Fenton or Julie Guerbedine.