Tuesday, November 21, 2006

There is more to be thankful for

Congratulations are in order
Yesterday, on my way home from work, I got a call from my brother Richard. Mine you, when Richard calls i usually pick up the telephone because he does not call often, so when he does call I quickly pick up. See, Richard is really my only connection to my so-called Family back up North. He tends to stay in touch with them more than me. Or is it that they stay in touch with him? I don't know. In whatever the case maybe, Richard called and said, I have something to tell you. My heart stoped right away, because it not like him to want to tell me anything. "I Got into NYU Grad schooll, I just got the letter", he said. Congratulations, Richard you deserve that and all that is to come. I had every bit of faith in your ability to get into NYU Business school, you just did not think you were gonna get in, but the GOD i serve had this planned out for you a long time ago.
  • I am also thankful for the privilage of being at a new job. Yall just don't kn.ow what life has been like working for a Tyrant. I want to write about this so bad, but it hurts to even begin to compose those thoughts. I feel like i need some therapy just for that experience
  • I met and worked with some great people along the way like Tashya, and John M, and Whittaker, and Billy who are still stuck back there. A good TV anology would be like if someone were to be successful at getting off the island on Lost, that is how i fell like being at this new place.

And lastly for now:

Are the Democrats out of their minds?

This past weekend New York Congressman Charles Rangel stated that America should consider reinstating the draft. I have always said that the Democrats are each others worst enemies. Thanks Congressman for making me right once again. Or is good ole Charlie, have a reason other than wanting the draft? Hmmmmm....Could it be that he wants to speed up the debate about troops in Iraq so he drops the issue on the draft. Of course with so many Americans opposing the war, most will obviously oppose a draft and demand that the troops come home now. Is it possible that Charlie is saying these things because the people in his district have kept him in power all these years and he does not fear taking whatever position on politics he wants knowing that in the end he will get re-elected regardless? hmmmmm.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you attached names. Shame shame.