Thursday, May 10, 2007

Politics as usual

As many of you know, I have been suppoting the Obama campaign in various ways, like gettting my friends to read up about this amazing man, going to his rally in Atlanta, and donating money. All of these were great, but I did not know that no matter how much money you give, they keep asking for more. Originally, I donated five dollars to the campaign since a brother doen't have it like that. I figured that it would be a start and it was the very first time that I actually put my money where my big mouth was. About two weeks later, I was able to come up with twenty more dollars to donate, so I did. I have to say, it felt so good just trusting in the process having full faith that my twenty dollars would be used wisely. But soon after my second donations, I began to receive all these emails and letters urging that I donate more money. At first I dismissed it, but day after day, if it was not an email it was a letter. At one point the campaign even sent me a letter from Michelle asking that I donate. Dam! Where do those people come off thinking that I got it like that? Anyways, i am becoming more and more interested in what the candidate stands for. It is my understanding that I have a few friends in high places and that those friends are connected to the Obama campain. (Yes, bitches I know that you have me in your favorites, don't make me call you OUT!) Out of respect for your privacy, I will not out you but ask that you past this message along to your peers at the Obama campaign. Here are few policy questions that he should be speaking about:

  1. More and More Americans are burden with debt due to a bad economy, bad financial decisions, or just plain old stupidity. The ones who are benifiting are the financial institutions who charge up to 29% in interest rates to the millions who are financially starving, how would an Obama administration work with congress to pass legistlation that addresses preditory lending? What sort of safety nets would the administration look into?
  2. The current adminstartion policy with Haitian refugees is far different that the policy with Cubans, how would an Obama administration work with congress to make the two policies alike?
  3. Where does Obama stand on environmental issues?
  4. Would the administration consider lifting the ban on gays in the military?