Monday, April 2, 2007

Good Bye Grandma

I want to dedicate this post to my grandma who has decided to leave us and go home to our Lord. Growing up, there were many influential people in my life who helped to shape me and mold me into the person who I am today. Both of my grandmothers played roles, "mommy" as we called her was vital in that process. Mommy was actually my mothers mother, who when my birth mother was not able to take care of her responsibilities, mommy was one of those people who stepped in to raise the "kids." She raised my mothers three kids, her four, and the countless children that my grandfather had. (Yes, that is a whole other story to blog about) Mommy never complained about raising us and did so to the best of her ability, she loved us all unconditionally, it did not matter who our mothers or fathers were, we were all her children. In her Godly way, mommy is a hero in our familly who put all others before her to ensure that the people around here were always nuroushed. Although we did not have coins, mommy was wealthy in spirt and in love. I am proud to have been financially poor, had it been any other way I would have never had the opportunity to view life through these lens. thank you mommy !

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