Thursday, May 10, 2007

Politics as usual

As many of you know, I have been suppoting the Obama campaign in various ways, like gettting my friends to read up about this amazing man, going to his rally in Atlanta, and donating money. All of these were great, but I did not know that no matter how much money you give, they keep asking for more. Originally, I donated five dollars to the campaign since a brother doen't have it like that. I figured that it would be a start and it was the very first time that I actually put my money where my big mouth was. About two weeks later, I was able to come up with twenty more dollars to donate, so I did. I have to say, it felt so good just trusting in the process having full faith that my twenty dollars would be used wisely. But soon after my second donations, I began to receive all these emails and letters urging that I donate more money. At first I dismissed it, but day after day, if it was not an email it was a letter. At one point the campaign even sent me a letter from Michelle asking that I donate. Dam! Where do those people come off thinking that I got it like that? Anyways, i am becoming more and more interested in what the candidate stands for. It is my understanding that I have a few friends in high places and that those friends are connected to the Obama campain. (Yes, bitches I know that you have me in your favorites, don't make me call you OUT!) Out of respect for your privacy, I will not out you but ask that you past this message along to your peers at the Obama campaign. Here are few policy questions that he should be speaking about:

  1. More and More Americans are burden with debt due to a bad economy, bad financial decisions, or just plain old stupidity. The ones who are benifiting are the financial institutions who charge up to 29% in interest rates to the millions who are financially starving, how would an Obama administration work with congress to pass legistlation that addresses preditory lending? What sort of safety nets would the administration look into?
  2. The current adminstartion policy with Haitian refugees is far different that the policy with Cubans, how would an Obama administration work with congress to make the two policies alike?
  3. Where does Obama stand on environmental issues?
  4. Would the administration consider lifting the ban on gays in the military?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I am back

Readers Thank you for all the calls urging me to update my blog. Life has been overwhelming and busy. Here are some things that I have been working on. These past two months, I have been on a mission to accomplish two very important things. On the one hand, part of me feels like I have failed in completing one of my projects. I came so close, but a last minute deal was struck between two parties that put my dream plan on hold. Now I would be happy to share with you all what it is, but due to the fact that so many people read this blog, I don't want to give away any secrets cause it might still come to life. Give it a couple more months to see if there deal is solid enough, if not I still have the opportunity to put my foot in the door. I'll keep you posted when shit hit the fan. You will know that what i mean soon bear with me.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


DEAR READERS: From time to time something moves me so much that I plead to your sanity, this is one of those times. This evening started off as a typical evening with me relaxing and getting immersed in my reality tv shows and of course American Idol is on tonight so of course I am there. To be completely honest, i was not really looking to tonights show until I was reminded how blessed and lucky that you and I are. After tonights show I realized that the mere fact that you and I have the privalage of communicating via the internet we are privilaged. And yes, the very fact that you and I are struggling and living from paycheck to paycheck, we are still very very very lucky. Today, fortunately Idol Gives Back made me remeber that a majority of the people in the world do not eat one meal a day. That in Africa children as young as ten and tweleve are head of households, orphans to AIDS. Right here in America, children are torn apart by the issues of poverty and AIDS. I am urging all my readers, if you have never done anything that I have ever asked, this is one request that you must do. DONATE!!!!!!!!!! LET ME SAY IT AGAIN DDDDOOONNNNNNAAAAATTTTEEE!!!!!!!! It does not matter to who you donate to just reach out to some non-profit organization and dontate money to help the needy. That means you in Chicago, Seattle, Montego Bay, Queens, Miami, Tallahasse, Baltimore, Quebec, Newark, Brooklyn, LA, and Dallas. All my readers just go out and donate. If you want to donate over the internet, one place that I have just donated too was, you can do the same. If you know me then you must know that I am into helping those around me be better. I assure you that once you donate as little as five dollars, you will feel better than you ever had. Go help the needy and thanks for allowing me into all your lives, your love and friendships are priceless. Yours Truly, Adolph

Sunday, April 22, 2007


According to Public Records from the Atlanta police department just released, a young man has attempted to file a restraining order against another man for allegedlly verbal and physical assult. According to police transmission records, both of these people work at the same organization that provides Kareoke HIV Education Services in Metro Atlanta. Records reveal that the young man was almost assulted last night after the fugus ridden agency sponsored its annual Art Auction. Calls placed to the organization were unanswered!

Monday, April 9, 2007

If we are doing it, why can't IMUS!

Since when did it become ok to call people hoes and bitches over the radio tv. Didn't Janet Jackson get fined and banned from tv for her "wardrobe malfunciton". Why would it be ok for Don Imus, to call the Rutgers Womens basketball team "nappy-headed hoes?" I personally think that he is fucked up for doing so, but going beyond his words are we all fucked up? When you think about it, popular media is full of instances where women, blacks, and homosexuals are constantly verbally attacked and minimized what makes this instance any different? Don't get me wrong I think that it is wrong, but it always amazed me to see how some people are calling for IMUS to be fired for using the same words that popular hip-hop lyrics use daily. Why have we not called for a boycott against all those people at the radio stations who constantly feed us garbage on federally regulated airwaves? What makes this situation different? Yes, MSNBC should be held accountable and so should Mr. IMUS, but so should popular hip-hop, r&b, rock, and jazz who mirror his sentiments minute by minute. As a result of this situation, lets see in the coming months if people are reacting to music lyrics as they react to IMUS's hatred? Lets hold all these folks accountable anytime they dare to spew words of hate and denigration. If Imus can't do it, then nobody should!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My last will and testament!

I Adoph St. Arromand on this day being of sound mind do hereby leave these words as my last should something happen to me and I expire. First, I want to thank all of my friends who have been there for me in throughout some of the most trying times of my life. When blood relatives were not there or could not be there, friends were there through thick and thin. Thank you all for allowing me to share time with you. Special shout out to my brother Richard who i love love love love love dearly. Kenny you are cool too, just wished you were not so homophobic, but regardless I love you to the fifth power also! To my aunts who help rear me thank you. What to do with my things: Richard should have first grab at anthing that I posses (material). Anthing else he does not want can be distributed among my friends. Should I somehow wind up in a coma; pull the plug. I want no holding on to me for dear life. Just make sure you send me away with some drugs!!!!!! My physical body Once I am gone, I do not want to be preserved for any reason. I want my body sent to a cremotorium and burned immideately. Do not wait more than 24 hours. Contact all of my friends first. Tell them that i am gone and wish to invite them to my going away ceremony. Cermony should be catered with alcohol, and fresh food. Hatian Preferably. All of my friends are on the guest list. Anyone other than my two brothers who are not familly must first get permission from Andrew Speildenner. (The truth is I really do not want so-called family members at my ceremony) Play dance music all night long. My ashes should be in the middle of the dance floor with people dancing around me. Please don't tip me over you drunk and high bithces! I want no church stuff, i am saved and don't need to go to church one last time!!! My ashes are to be given to Andrew Spieldenner who will do spead them in an appropriate place or keep them. I really don't care, I am gone. Please no crying just happy talk of great memories. Thank you Lord, I will see you all on the other side waiting at the pearly gates!!! Oh special shout out to my kids: there are too many of you to even name, but make sure yall come to my funeral or else i will come back and annoy the shit of of yall!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Ok, so I am away for my grandmas funeral in New York City. I stayed with my buddy Trade Stevens (who is set to realese his sophomore album in the Summer). Trade lives in what is now called SOha, which stands for South of Harlem on 117st. The neighborhood is really nice compared to what is was before. Man i was so suprised to see, what the coming of Bill Clinton to Harlem has done to the place. I mean, white people everywhere, but its all good. Now Harlem not only has flavor, but it also has a little more diversity which in turn has driven up the real estate market. BACK to the subject at hand..... So, I decided to take so time for me to just take in the old city. One of my favorite spots is 125th street, what I like about one-two-fifth is its pure Black rawness. I am am walking in and out of stores sampling American Black, and African American culture all together. Around me are people, noise, food, business women, mothers, brothers, hustlers, and gurls everywhere. I am loving it. When I walk by this store with a sign that reads going out of business. I looked at the window to see that the store appears to have been one of those places that sells authentic African sculptures and masks. My curious mind wanted to see what was on sale. Thats when I saw the most amaizing piece of sculpture that blew my mind. A hand carved mohagony six-foot tall bear breasted women carring a pot of water on her head. She was so beautiful!!!!!!!! She must have weighed about 175 pounds since i could not budge her. The store owner was willing to give her to me for $300 dollars, and can you belive I agrued with him saying that she was worth more than that. Unfortunately, I was not prepared to pay $3 let alone $300 dollars. He said that he was deperate to raise money and that was the reason he was willing to let her go. Dam, I hate being broke and responsible. But anyways, I thanked him for the offer and quickly ran out the store before the impulsive part of me pulled out the good ole Amex and pay it! When i got to the door I looked back one more time at my queen to say goodbye to her and BAM I bupmed into a women on the sidewalk. Instictively, I began to apologize to her, saying that it was my fault for being so careless. She said no problem baby, and then it hit me!!!!! That voice, that face, that smile, that wig, I know them all. I know them all. I have it saved on my phone. That voice is on my phone. She is familliar to me. And I am telling you right there my body heated up, the women who i bumped into was the legendary Jenifer Holiday. GAgging, I apologized to Jenny even more, telling her how much i loved her and how terrific she is. I thanked her for always standing up for the gurls and her advocay for HIV related issues. Unfortunately, she looked haggard and depressed. Carrying two plasic bags in one hand and a one-two-fifth hand bag in the other hand she walked away. I quickly pulled out my cell phone to caputure this picture. (When you see me ask to see it). My goodness, Bill Clinton may have moved to Harlem but he has not taking away its originality where everyone is equal on one-two-fifth.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Good Bye Grandma

I want to dedicate this post to my grandma who has decided to leave us and go home to our Lord. Growing up, there were many influential people in my life who helped to shape me and mold me into the person who I am today. Both of my grandmothers played roles, "mommy" as we called her was vital in that process. Mommy was actually my mothers mother, who when my birth mother was not able to take care of her responsibilities, mommy was one of those people who stepped in to raise the "kids." She raised my mothers three kids, her four, and the countless children that my grandfather had. (Yes, that is a whole other story to blog about) Mommy never complained about raising us and did so to the best of her ability, she loved us all unconditionally, it did not matter who our mothers or fathers were, we were all her children. In her Godly way, mommy is a hero in our familly who put all others before her to ensure that the people around here were always nuroushed. Although we did not have coins, mommy was wealthy in spirt and in love. I am proud to have been financially poor, had it been any other way I would have never had the opportunity to view life through these lens. thank you mommy !

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Gay and In the Military

It must be really difficult for the men and women who are in the military who fight this crazy war on terrorism. I can't imagine what it is like to be fighting for your country that is suppose to represent freedom, yet misrepresents everything that freedom stands for like freedom to speak your mind, freedom of the press, and the pursuit of happiness. I have many friends who are in the military, most of them have been to Iraq, who tell me about what it is like to be gay and in the military. Contrary to what I thought, or at least the people I know, they say that being gay is difficult, but not impossible. My male friends, some of whom are the queen of queens say that, the military expects for you not to boast or brag about your sexuality. My friends still speak with a twang and walk with a twitch, but when it comes time to do what you have to do, these gurls get into military drag, grab their guns, aim and shoot just like the others. I asked one of my buddies how does the "don't ask, don't tell" policy effect him personally, to which he replied that because he is trying to move up in the rank, and because the culture of the army is so testosterone driven, that he keeps to himself. He made it specific to note that this does not mean that he does not have his "fun". Based on our conversations, I gathered that on his base there are countless Black Gay and Lesbian persons. As we usually do, we have this unspoken way of speaking to one another to identify that we are all part of the same struggle. There are those of us in the military who choose not to even secretly come out to one another, but still rely on Adam for Adam for our hook-ups. Thank God for the internet. God bless the Black Gay and Lesbian people who are dying for me and you.


Why is it that I allow myself to be trapped by so much fear. Fear of failing, fear of succeding, fear of what others might say, fear of what I might think. The reason I post this is because, I feel stuck. Why, because I refuse to do what my heart tells me to do. Take for example taking the GRE, I have wanted to take this dam test for so long, at least 6 years, time has gone by month after month after month with my not taking it. I even went as far as buying a study guide, studying for the dam test yet, fear held me back. My next strategy was to just schedule myself for the dam test, pay the money and force myself to take it, what happend? Nothing. Thats rite. I just did not show up for the test why? I was afraid of not getting a high score. As a result of not taking the dam test, I delayed getting into grad school one more year just because of fear. As I look back and think of my test taking skills, I can proudly say that I did pretty well on tests in school and undergrad. The last time I had this type of fear for a test had to do with taking the SAT, I just did not sleep for a week prior to the SAT fearing that I was not good enough and that the test would somehow prove it. I wanted to get into a private school so bad and needed that test score to validate to them little old white recruiters that this little black gay Haitian boy was good enough for their institution. As a result of my fearing I did not do as good on the SATs as I needed to and did not get into the school of my first choice. I litterally created my own demise and use fear as the coffin that burried my hopes and dreams. That was 10 years ago, today here I am repeating that cycle all over again.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Question Homophobia

Why do the oppressive majority only recognize February as Black History Month? Worse yet, Why is it that we (people of African descent) only permit them to recognize that month as the only month where our contributions are to be highlighted? Don't we then in turn do ourselves a dis-service by perpetuating the racist notions of the oppressors when we don't claim and celebrate the contributions of African descendants each month? Similarly, we create and/or perpetuate injustices when we do not fully celebrate or embrace the contributions which of all African Americans have added to the American mosaic. Has BET ever aired one of its Black History commercials honoring Langston Hughes, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, "Moms" Mabley, Mabel Hampton, Alberta Hunter, Gladys Bentley, Contee Cullen, or James Balwin? The answer is "no" Why? Could it be that the folks at BET have never heard of these individuals? Or is it that these folks were not African American enough for our friends at BET. While I don't have the answer to BET's rationale, I do know that all these persons were as Black as I am and endured much more oppression, racism, bigotry, sexism, and classism then most of us will ever endure in our lifetime. Somehow we African Americans have learned to do the very thing to one another as the oppressors have done to us. I am reminded of a text, I read in one of Keith Boykins books (One more river to Cross) paraphrasing. "One of the consequences of oppression is that it teaches us to dislike ourselves and dislike those who are like us". These words ring true to me as I make every attempt to understand how we (the oppressed) have become oppressors ourselves and how we have turned around to do the same thing to one another. We do this so well that it does not even seem problematic or noticeable. As white people have virtually denied our history, we too have turned around and further denied or deleted our history by not paying homage to the legacies of the African American brothers and sisters who are Gay or Lesbian. When BET elects not to mention these individuals, justice is not served. When you or I do not demand that the contributions of these individuals be included in celebrating African American history we ourselves create an injustice to our history. The history of GLBT brothers and sisters is part of the history of African Americans, because in fact these individuals are of the same skin color and experience the same if not more injustices aimed at them just for being homo or bisexual. This month as Black History Month is being celebrated, let me challenge you to demand that this history include the existence of Black GLBT persons. Challenge homophobia, demand inclusively! As them them: what would Black History be without Sojourner Truth, Harriett Tubman, Georgia Washington Carver, or Bayard Rustin.